Beloved Community Bootcamp: A Training for Bridge-Builders
With Lisa Gibson and Gabe Wilson
October 6 - 11, 2025
Today we find ourselves living in unprecedented transitions. The global scope of crises we face are disrupting how we live, work, and love, and the changes only continue to escalate.
Under this pressure, we are growing increasingly fragmented, drifting into greater polarization and feeding energies like fear, anxiety, and resentment. In attempts to find certainty and security, our minds are increasingly entrenched in us-them logic patterns, dimming our imagination to the beautiful and inspiring possibilities of who we might be to one another and what future we might create together.
Beloved Community is the antidote to our fractured politics and unbridled ethnocentrism. Beloved Community is a framework, a vision and an unrelenting commitment to everyone and our shared humanity. It is a practice of standing in the liminal, as a bridge between the world as it is and the world as it ought to be, honing hearts and minds to embody and enact respect, care and equity in the spaces that we work, live and play.
Why “Bootcamp”?
We mean for bootcamp to convey a rigorous practice space, like a dojo. This means we are designing a practice space committed to discovering the Beloved Community, discovering who we can be to one another so that we can enact a future of mutual thriving for all.
This training space is informed by adaptive leadership, Zen meditation and a holistic approach to human development, specifically focused on your interpersonal skills, emotional agility, and perspective taking ability.
This training is for you:
- If you are clear that ethnocentric, rivalrous dynamics are an evolutionary dead-end. And, that we need to discover real and enlivened ways to embody Beloved Community.
- If you are a leader working at two levels – the job you were hired to do & humanizing the workplace. You desire to grow your skills in working with difference in service of creating more coherence and wholeness.
- If you are a coach, facilitator or consultant who is looking for novel ways of sensing, feeling, and thinking about us-them dynamics.
- If you are interested in reacting less from ego and more from your innate wholeness.
- If you have a learner-mindset: you are open, humble, and yearn to learn.
What you will receive:
- New ways of being that enable powerful new choices and actions to enact clarity, compassion and love
- Real-time coaching and feedback
- Increased capacity to navigate uncertainty, difference and conflict
- Tools and frameworks to work transformationally with individuals, teams and communities
Daily practice will include:
- Embodiment exercises for wellbeing
- Group practices to grow capabilities interpersonally, emotionally, and cognitively
- Zen meditation and teachings on compassion and love
- Opportunities to connect to nature
“I would recommend this training to people because it truly delivers on its promise of altering your perspective. The possibility of reaching across the barrier that divides us had not been possible in my lifetime before this training.” -Ahmad Wright, Assistant Dean of Career Education, Stanford University
“This training was unlike any training around equality I’ve ever had… it had the power to encourage everyone in the room to be an agent of new resolutions, while being courageous enough to help the room get real about their growth edges, in the spirit of mutual support.” -Roshanda Cummings, Community Catalyst, Impact Hub Oakland
“This workshop was the most powerful equity, diversity, inclusion experience I have ever had. Gabe, Lisa and team did a terrific job holding and cultivating an unpredictable space and created the conditions for a truly remarkable outcome. It deeply touched my heart and expanded my perspectives. I highly recommend this workshop for those who authentically care about diversity and want to dive deep into the conversations that matter most.” -Adam Leonard, Executive Development, Google
Daily Schedule
A detailed schedule will be emailed to you about 30 days prior to your program. Click here to view a sample program schedule.
About the Presenters

Lisa Gibson
Lisa Gibson is a transformative facilitator, coach, educator and systems change consultant. With over 25 years experience in local and international work at multiple scales, she supports individuals, teams and organizations to bring their whole hearts forward in creating a more just, caring and sustainable world. Lisa’s work with diverse clients focuses on a range […]
Learn more about Lisa Gibson
Gabe Wilson
Gabe Wilson, founder of Freedom & Fairness, is helping us unlock the power of radical collaboration in service of enacting greater freedom, fairness and compassion. He is a facilitator, advisor, and co-author of Compassionate Conversations: How to Speak and Listen from the Heart and Waking Up and Growing Up: Spiritual Cross Training for an Evolving World […]
Learn more about Gabe WilsonCategories : Cortes Island, Leadership Skills, October