Nadine Nakagawa

She is a community organizer, listener, activist, and city councillor. She loves doing work that elevates underrepresented voices and that makes deep system change. She is often found doing this work from her seat on city council in New Westminster. She also loves sparkly eyeshadow and wearing flowers in her hair.

Nadine has over a decade of activism on issues relating to housing, public spaces, reconciliation, public engagement, public health, and harm reduction, and childcare. For her work in the community, Nadine was named the 2017 Citizen of the Year at the Chamber of Commerce Platinum Awards. She has spent most of her adult life working and volunteering in the non-profit sector and has worked in both municipal and provincial government. Nadine holds a Masters Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus on communication and leadership.

When not working on community projects, Nadine prances with delight towards patches of wildflowers, is fond of skirts and dresses that encourage twirling, and can be found hugging trees and embracing whimsy. She is also a creative writer, curls at the Royal City Curling Club, and spends time wandering around looking at moss and mushrooms, and snuggling her two cow-patterned cats Bill and Moo.

Nadine is a sought-after speaker on timely, challenging topics. She is a mixed-race settler on the unceded territory of the Hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking peoples.